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It seems very fitting to begin blogging in spring when everything is fresh and new. Spring is on fast forward since it was 83 degrees today in Ithaca, NY.
It is also the beginning of a new admissions season as well, since most (but not all) admissions deadlines have passed. I am very excited to share ideas, news and my travels in order clarify the college and graduate admissions process.
This week is a school break in many areas and it's a great chance for students who just can't decide to make that last visit to campus. Colleges are not on break and so it's a great time to evaluate how comfortable you feel in the college environs of your final choices. I say, spend some serious time in the dining hall, at the student center, and at the fitness center to strike up a casual conversation or just do some people watching. I would check out the college surroundings as well for favorite hangouts like restaurants, coffee shops, malls etc.
Happy trails!
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